
Supreme commander 2 pc how to adjust camera angle
Supreme commander 2 pc how to adjust camera angle

supreme commander 2 pc how to adjust camera angle

in the new window search Key pressed, click on it and then hit OK. In the right window click on events then press Control-w. Then click on the trigger and it appears in the right window. right_click on the trigger choose "rename". In the left window of the trigger editor right-klick and choose new trigger. Now go to triggers (top of the screen button with the gearwheel) Or click show camera view to get the view of the selected camera.) (you can also highlight a camera and click put view to camera to change a camera view again to what you see at this moment. now you can change the view again and create another camera. a camera is created with the view that you just made. Now go to the left side and hit create camera. Make the camera view in the Editor the way you want to have it in your Map when you play. To repeat this hit Control key again and than Right-Button-Mouse-drag again. with this you change the camera angle inside the editor. Hold right mouse button and than drag the mouse. (In germany Control is Strg (Steuerung=steering=control) it is under shift(Capital-letters-key)) Your Mouse cursor will change to a turn symbol. Hit button Camera (at the top close to Regions, Units, Triggers, Dodods)

supreme commander 2 pc how to adjust camera angle

(and how to get a working sky background) How to use different camera angle / view in your map. Hi since I used so many tutorials about the Starcraft 2 editor I want to give something back

Supreme commander 2 pc how to adjust camera angle